Cable Connectivity Products

Cable connections constitute our traditional core business and are characterized by their exceptionally high reliability, enabling our customers to acquire and build their own high quality global networks.


As a major co-owner and administrator of regional and intercontinental submarine cable systems, Cytaglobal facilitates the transfer of cable capacity on both IRU and Lease basis. In particular, Cytaglobal has access to considerable reserve capacity in submarine cables which connect Cyprus to rapidly developing neighbouring countries.

For technical information on these cable systems please click here.


CableAccess is our backhaul product that ensures connectivity between Cyta submarine cable stations and telehouses in the major cities of Cyprus. This is a regulated product offered to licensed operators in Cyprus.


In providing total fibre management, we can plan, co-ordinate and execute restoration submarine cable links via reserve cable capacity owned either exclusively or in part by Cytaglobal.


Our experienced professionals can provide consultation, integration, administration and central billing services, for submarine cable systems on a global scale. In particular, Cyta currently offers Central Billing Services and Network Management Services to CADMOS and UGARIT submarine cable systems. Furthermore, Cyta provides Overall Restoration Liaison Officer (ORLO) services for these cable systems.

For information and general enquiries on how Cytaglobal can best serve you

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